Sadly, this is a headline that we are seeing more and more of the past several years.
It is one of the reasons that the majority of Joleen’s food is home made. I know that this is not for everyone. It takes time and it definitely is more expensive that opening up a bag of dog kibble. For me, it is a labor of love and I enjoy doing it.
Disclaimer: I am not a veterinarian or a nutritionist. I only tell you what I do for my dog. You should always consult your veterinarian for any dietary changes.
Why I Cook for my Pets
I started cooking for my dogs over 20 years ago. I was not consistent, I switched around from kibble only to kibble and wet or homemade wet. But after I lost my last dog to cancer, I became serious about giving Joleen the best that I could. I do not want to eat processed food and I don’t want my dog to either.
I consulted with my veterinarian about making the switch to a homemade diet. We discussed how to do it safely to make sure that Joleen is getting all the nutrients that she needs.
I also reached out to two friends of mine that are in the dog food and treat business, Lynnet of Jeffrey’s Natural Pet Food and Carla of Paw Patch Pastries. They are obviously much better versed than I on canine nutrition. More on Lynnet and Carla later!
Variety is the Spice of Life
So true, so true. Not only is variety good so we don’t get bored but variety is good because we get different nutrients from different foods. I don’t know if dogs get bored eating the same food all the time, I know that I do and I’ve always liked to be one who mixes things up!
Always check to see what foods dogs can and cannot eat before making any dog food! There are many great resources online regarding foods that are poisonous for dogs. Also beware of store-bought vegetable stock or broth it contains onions and onions are poisonous to dogs. Instead try making your own with leftover vegetable scraps and water!
For Joleen’s dog food, each week I choose 2 different proteins, cooked separately (ground turkey and chicken both light meat and dark, salmon, lamb, beef and bison) I choose 2-3 organic veggies and 1 fruit (fruits and veggies can be fresh or frozen) and occasionally I’ll add organic chicken livers. While I do not usually add rice or oats, Joleen does like sweet potatoes and squashes.
Note: Keep the proteins separate in case there are any allergic reactions or anything upsets her tummy.
The Process
How to cook this luscious dog food you ask… well I mix that up also. Some people will put everything into a food processor to get a smooth consistency, I like to keep the ingredients chunky so Joleen’s teeth and gums get a bit of a work out. You can mix everything together to make a loaf and bake it. I often bake the meat and then lightly steam the veggies or I add the veggies to the bottom of a pot with the meat on top and steam so all the yummy juices from the meats steam right into the veggies. The fruit is added at the very end so they don’t get too mushy. Sprinkle with some fresh parsley and voila fresh natural food so good that you can eat it too!
Remember, parsley is fine to feed to dogs, it helps to keep their breath fresh. Never add salt or any other seasoning to your home made dog food.
For every batch that I make, I add a Healthy Powder supplement from Jeffrey’s Natural Pet Foods. It is a vitamin and mineral mix to ensure that Joleen is getting all the right nutrients her body needs. You only add 1 tablespoon per pound of meat and it’s a great deal!
Also, from Jeffrey’s Natural Pet Foods, I add Digestive Support powder to every bowl of food. It’s full of enzymes, probiotics and lots of other good stuff.
While Jeffrey’s is known for being the leader in raw food production, it is also an amazing store. They sell everything from dog collars and dog beds to amazing treats and even goat’s milk! Everything that they make and sell is sourced locally and ethically. With locations in North Beach and Duboce Park they are truly a San Francisco gem. www.jeffreyspets.com
Tell us what you feed your dog or what are some of your favorite dog food recipes.

What does Joleen eat for treats? Stay tuned to The Scuttlebutt to find out!!!